What Next?

What Next?

So, I worked on Guardian since May, and finally finished it up several weeks ago and it’s up on Xbox Live Indie Games. I won’t be purchasing a fancy car any time soon, but I might be able to use the proceeds for a Sunburn Lighting Engine license in a few weeks. I’ll buy the license anyway, but it’d be cool to do it with money earned from my game.

I spent way too much time and energy finishing Guardian, but I’m pleased to know that I still have it in me after all these years. Still, I want to move back to working on these things as a hobby rather than a money-making enterprise. It was much more enjoyable and relaxing.

So, after a couple weeks off letting my brain recover, I’ve decided to dust off my procedural planet engine and work on it some more. By “dust off”, I mean completely scrap it and start over, using what I learned during the first iteration, and some of the things I’ve learned since while working on other things.

I also plan get back to posting useful things on this blog.

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