4 thoughts on “WordPress Plugin Diversion

  1. You have to be logged in with administrator permissions to edit the log. Once you have the log showing up in a page and you’re logged in you’ll see an “edit log” button. Press that, then the “new log entry” button that appears. All of the editing happens on the WordPress page where the log appears, not in the Admin area.

  2. I had the same question as Ed… I actually sent the question to your other website. I’ve got it working now. I was logged in as another user. Is there anyway to set it up to be edited by another user? Thanks!

  3. As it stands now, any user with the manage_options capability can edit the log. Generally this would only be someone with the administrator role. If you want to change this, open the .PHP code in the plugin and find this function…

    function VerifyWritePermissions()
    if (!current_user_can(‘manage_options’))
    die(‘Request Failed’);

    Change manage_options to something less restrictive. Here is a decent description of how current_user_can works: http://iface.wordpress.com/2006/03/06/current_user/

    I haven’t tested it, but it looks like edit_posts might be a good one to use here.

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